“Protect our laws and humanity!” – Open Letter by 119 Organizations
"Protect our laws and humanity!" - Open Letter by 119 Organizations To: Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Kyriakos Mitsotakis President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli President of the European Council, Charles Michel President of the European...
You, me and those who came before
Wednesday 19 June Beyond the us and them The Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees of the University of Essex, UNHCR, the Tavistock Centre and the Refugee Council invite you to their annual joint event to mark Refugee Week. The theme this year is ‘You,...
Needs Assessment Report – My Health Project
Models to engage Vulnerable Migrants and Refugees in their health, through Community Empowerment and Learning Alliance WP5-Needs Analysis May, 2018 Corresponding Author's Institution: Babel Day Centre/ Syn-eirmos, NGO of Social Solidarity Authors: Nefeli...
My Health – Newsletter
What is MyHealth? Is a project that aims to improve healthcare access for vulnerable migrants and refugees by developing and implementing models based on the knowhow of a European multidisciplinary network with particular focus on women and unaccompanied minors...
'DIFFERENT PASTS, SHARED FUTURE' Thursday 21st June 12.30pm – 2.00pm at the University of Essex, Room TC1.11 (Teaching Centre) The programme includes the screening of the film 'THOSE WHO SURVIVED – Stories of Dignity' directed by Yorgos Avgeropoulos This...
Are refugees in Europe facing a mental health crisis?
Since 2014, MSF has run a joint programme with Babel DC - a local Greek NGO that offers mental health services and support to the refugee and migrant community currently stuck in Greece. "We share patients," says Anastasia. "They [Babel] have a psychiatrist on...
Beyond the Workshops of HR&SR – The Inside out of the “Babel Project”
I started to write this article just after the last support workshop in Babel – trying to remember most of it. Impossible. Then I looked at the guidelines for an article: short and energetic content.... Personal – this could be a place to start. I remember the...
Return of the far right: Greece’s financial crisis has led to a rise in violent attacks on refugees
Nikos Gionakis faces a similar predicament. He is the head of a mental health centre called Babel whose stated mission – until now – has been to help destitute foreigners. The problem is that the more public health spending is cut, the greater the need for aid...
AYS SPECIAL: Closed borders are damaging our mental health
The Babel Day Care Center team, has been worked with refugees, migrants and volunteers for years. One of them is Nikos Gionakis who in the interview with for AYS warns about the conditions people are left to live in, conditions devoid of hope, and they urge for...