You, me and those who came before

Wednesday 19 June
Beyond the us and them
The Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees of the University of Essex, UNHCR, the Tavistock Centre and the Refugee Council invite you to their annual joint event to mark Refugee Week. The theme this year is ‘You, me and those who came before’.
Invited speaker: Nikos Gionakis (Psychologist and Director: Babel Day Centre for Refugees, Athens).
Given his considerable expertise in this field, he will share his experiences, especially in supervising work on the Greek islands, examining the complexities of the inter-relationships between refugees, humanitarian workers (Greeks and foreigners) and the local population.
Panel members: Andrew Leak (UNHCR), Renos Papadopoulos (CTAR), David Amias (Tavistock Centre), Sasha Nemeckova (The Refugee Council)